We will have an election as part of the May 9 Council of Delegates meeting at Lincoln Land Community College. It is your opportunity to select the people who will guide the organization. Anyone from a full member institution is eligible to run for a Board position.
The positions that need to be filled are:
Chair Elect (three year commitment as Chair Elect, Chair and Past Chair)
Recorder (three year term)
Two At Large Members (two year term)
The Board meets remotely every month and is asked to attend the May Council of Delegates meeting to vote on the NILRC Operating Budget for the next year. There is also a one day face to face planning meeting for the Board in July.
Self nominations are encouraged, since people are reluctant to give someone else more work. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NILRCfy20BoardNominations
If you have any questions about being on the Board, please contact any Board member know. Hilary Meyer, Chair, hilarymeyer@triton.edu Frances Whaley, Chair-Elect, frances_whaley@ivcc.edu Karen Becker, Recorder, kbecker@kcc.edu Scott Drone-Silvers, Treasurer, sdronesi@lakelandcollege.edu Terra Jacobson, Past Chair, jacobsont6@morainevalley.edu Spencer Brayton, At Large, sbrayton@waubonsee.edu Bryan Clark, At Large, bryan.clark@icc.edu Ashtin Trimble, At Large, trimblea@bhc.edu Amanda Wiesenhofer, At Large, amanda.wiesenhofer@llcc.edu