"Instructing Outliers: Teaching Information Literacy in STEM and Health Fields" Information Literacy Committee Webinar Feb. 18, 2020 at 2pm

Do you run library instruction for courses in the sciences, health, or engineering fields? Need some ideas to engage faculty and students? Join Bryan Clark and Sarah Hill Feb. 18th at 2pm as they discuss the various ways to teach information literacy to students in these programs.

Contact Lisa Sikora for access.

Exploring OER: Access, Adoption, and Application -- Call for Proposals

Call for Proposals
Exploring OER: Access, Adoption, and Application
April 17, 2020
Lincoln Land Community College
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

A Call for Proposals is now available with two options for participation. We are seeking faculty and staff experienced with OER to moderate discipline oriented roundtable discussions. This includes transfer and career & technical education programs. We are also seeking participants for a round robin/poster session event where faculty and staff can share their experience, showcase OER use in their courses, or discuss other initiatives or topics.

Please submit your proposals at https://form.jotform.com/193503425357155

Deadline for submissions is Friday, January 17, 2020.

The Keynote Speaker for the conference is Abbey Elder. Abbey is the Open Access & Scholarly Communication Librarian at Iowa State University. Abbey has worked to expand access to affordable course content by empowering instructors to find, adopt, or create open educational resources (OER) for their courses. Her handbook for instructors, The OER Starter Kit, has been used in professional development programs around the United States and is being adapted into an interactive workbook. Apart from her outreach work, Abbey also helps manage a mini-grant program at Iowa State University to support instructors who need funding to complete their OER projects.

Information Literacy Summit April 3, 2020 at Moraine Valley Community College

19th Annual Information Literacy Summit

Challenging the status quo: Rethinking information literacy theories and practices

 Friday, April 3, 2020, 8:30am-3:30pm

Presented by DePaul University Library and Moraine Valley Community College Library 

Located at the Moraine Valley Community College campus


Keynote Address

Dr. Laura Saunders, Associate Professor at Simmons University School of Library and Information Science.

Call for Proposals  

We are seeking presenters to lead engaging and interactive discussions about information literacy and library instruction. We are especially interested in breakout sessions and panels which focus on this year’s theme: Challenging the status quo: Rethinking information literacy theories and practices.We hope to foster conversations across all types of libraries, schools, and other organizations and encourage a diversity of perspectives in this proposal call.

 The Summit is a regional conference which will be held at the Moraine Valley Community College campus. If you wish to propose more than one breakout session, please fill out a form for each topic. Breakout sessions and panels will be 50 minutes long and should include audience interaction or discussion. Panel discussions should have a three person maximum. Hands-on lessons and demonstrations (and/or practical takeaways) are encouraged. Sessions typically have 20-40 participants.

 The submission should include a 200-300 word description of your session. Please include learning outcomes and a brief explanation of why people should attend your session and what they will take away. A shorter abstract (around 100 words) for publication in the Summit programming will be required as well.

 Please fill out this Google form to propose a breakout session

 Deadline to submit proposals is Friday, January 17, 2020

 Some possible topics for sessions include:

  ·         Social Justice 

o    The Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education

o    Information literacy practices

·         Privacy

o    Literacy

o    Learning analytics

·         Neutrality

·         News and Media Literacy

·         Critical Pedagogies

·         Service Learning

·         Student Curiosity and Creativity

·         Student Centered Teaching and Learning 

·         Students as creators

·         Reflective Practice

·         Communities of Practice

·         Programmatic assessments

 For more information, please contact a Summit organizer:

 DePaul University Library

Jill King, jking25@depaul.edu, 773-325-7274

Jennifer Schwartz, jennifer.schwartz@depaul.edu, 773-325-7830


Moraine Valley Community College Library

Tish Hayes, hayesL45@morainevalley.edu, 708-974-5734

Troy Swanson, swanson@morainevalley.edu, 708-974-5439

Progress through Persuasion & Perseverance, Oct. 3-4, 2019 at Allerton Park and Retreat Center

2019 Conference

Progress through Persuasion & Perseverance

Registration closes: September 11, 2019 - Registration link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NILRC_ConfRSVP2019

2019 Presentations:

Overcoming Obstacles to Achieve Success - Kona Jones

Do you have obstacles in your professional (or even personal) life that are keeping you down and not allowing you to achieve your goals? In this session, we will talk about a simple process of how you can work though whatever life has thrown at you and the importance of not falling below the line when trying to work through your challenges. Come with obstacles, but leave this session with a plan!

Benchmarking & Peer Assessment - Sam Suber & Terra Jacobson

At the MVCC Library, we are currently assessing how we compare to peers within Illinois. We are using benchmarks identified by the “Standards for Libraries in Higher Education” published by ACRL. In this presentation, we will showcase sample benchmarks derived and examples of how benchmark data improved MVCC library services. Following the presentation, there will be an informal discussion about what benchmarks you would find valuable for your library.

Counting in Community Colleges - Linda Dhaese, Sarah Hill, Beth Mandrell, Hilary Meyer, Rachelle Stivers, and Frances Whaley

Looking for ways to assess the impact of your department? Want to craft a success story to tell on your campus? This panel presentation contains overviews of assessment projects recently undertaken at community colleges and shares insights into librarian experiences in the CARLI counts program.

Talking to the Board: Do’s and Don’ts for Telling Your Story - Jennifer McIntosh

Will you be ready when you are asked to make a public presentation to community stakeholders about your library? How would you use twelve minutes to tell your library’s story while also addressing fiscal and administrative controls? This community college library educated its Board of Trustees about library operations while keeping the focus on the one thing we all care about – students. We used personas to tell the story of how our students use and value our library, integrating video and imagery to draw the audience into the user experience. Learn about our planning process, how we decided what to include and how to present it.

Held at Allerton Park & Retreat Center in Monticello IL, this year’s conference will take place October 3-4, 2019.

A Conference at Allerton Park for Community College Libraries

Conference Schedule:

Thursday October 3, 2019

12:00 - 1:00 Lunch

1:00 - 1:15 Welcome - Frances Whaley, NILRC Chair

1:15 - 2:00 Overcoming Obstacles to Achieve Success - Kona Jones

2:00 - 2:45 NILRC Committees & Working Groups Panel

2:45 - 3:00 Break

3:00 - 3:45 Benchmarking & Peer Assessment - Sam Suber & Terra Jacobson

3:45 - 4:30 Preparing for ICCB Program Review - Terra Jacobson & Spencer Brayton

4:30 - 4:45 Break

4:45 - 5:30 Around the Table - Share a recent challenge that your library has overcome

5:30 - 6:30 Dinner

6:30 - 8:30 Networking walk & talk and cash bar

Friday October 4, 2019

7:00 - 8:00 Networking walk & talk

8:00 - 9:00 Breakfast (NILRC board meeting in the Oak Room)

9:00 - 9:20 CARLI Update - Anne Craig

9:20 - 10:15 Counting in Community Colleges - Linda Dhaese, Sarah Hill, Beth Mandrell, Hilary Meyer, Rachelle Stivers, and Frances Whaley

10:15 - 10:45 Break & Checkout

10:45 - 11:30 Talking to the Board: Do’s and Don’ts for Telling Your Story - Jennifer McIntosh

11:30 - 11:50 Share your experience - Activity

11:50 - 12:00 Closing comments