
Uncommon Collections

Please mark your calendars for our April professional development webinar! Come learn about non-traditional objects in library collections and how to manage them. Does your library have an uncommon collection? We’d love to hear about it!

Uncommon Collections
In this presentation, Valerie Moore from Prairie State College and Thomas Mantzakides from Morton College will cover their Library’s uncommon collections, some circulating, and some not. When people think of a library, they think of books, but the bulk of our library collections are eResources. They definitely don’t think of objects. However, it has become common for public libraries to lend things. A symposium on play in the academy, and a second conference on public library collections of things got Valerie thinking about how she could bring more play and games to the PSC Library. Thomas will cover the "Library of Things" collection at Morton College - why certain items were added to the collection, lending policies, and how best to promote and possibly expand the collection.

Thursday, April 10 @ 10 am
Join here: https://meet.google.com/fkx-cqvf-rpm?authuser=0&hs=122

Dumpster Diving for Information: Weeding through AI Trash in Search Engines

Dumpster Diving for Information: Weeding through AI Trash in Search Engines

With AI-generated content flooding search results, AI overviews reshaping what we see, and library discovery tools integrating AI in new ways, navigating search is more challenging and frustrating than ever. This session will explore how AI is reshaping search engine results, discuss strategies for filtering through the noise to find reliable information, and examine the growing presence of AI-driven tools in library databases and catalogs. Attendees will leave with practical strategies to help themselves and their patrons adapt to this evolving information environment.

Tuesday, March 11th 11:30-12:30pm

Civic Engagement in the Library Webinar

Tuesday, October 8th, 2024

11:30 to 12:30pm

Civic engagement in the library: tools for teaching students to how to evaluate election information and disinformation

Join us for a webinar discussing different lesson plans, display ideas, and other tools and pedagogies concerning disinformation and the Nov elections.  We will discuss this for part of the webinar and will open the floor for participants to provide and discuss their own ideas and tools for civic engagement in the Library.  As we collect ideas from other NILRC librarians in the webinar, we will develop a resource list to distribute throughout NILRC community.  Please join us! 

Presented by

Katie Ediger, Andy Cougill, and Jason Ertz

Click HERE to join your colleagues for a webinar on Tuesday, October 8, at 11:30!

Information Literacy Committee Roundtable Discussion

NILRC’s Information Literacy Committee is hosting a roundtable discussion

“Generative AI tools on MY Campus”

Thursday, March 7th, 10 to 11:30 am. **

Hosted by the NILRC Information Literacy Committee, this discussion will revolve around what we are doing on our campuses with Generative AI tools. This will be a group discussion, without a presentation so that we can hear from you. 

Some of the questions we may tackle during this discussion include:

  • What policies does your campus have on AI?

  • Do you communicate Generative AI to students? If so, how?

  • What are faculty most concerned about?

  • Are there any assignments we’ve created that constructively use AI?

  • Has it affected search engine results?

  • Do you use it in your workflow? 

Please plan to join us!  We want to hear from you!

**A Google Meet link will be sent to the NILRC listserv. Please contact NILRC Director Lois Bruno at director@nilrc.org to be added to the list of recipients.